World Tree Dreaming Intensive

Check Out my so fun recent Interview with Gary Caton HERE

Six Week Intensive
Thursdays 12-1:30 pm Central
July 18 and 25 and August 1, 8, 15, 22

  • Would you like new tools to unlock the deepest wisdom of your Birth Chart?
  • Are you intrigued by the universal symbolism of the World Tree?
  • Would you like to cultivate a practice of Dreaming with the Night Sky?

Join Us For This Life Changing Deep Dive into the Mysteries of the Great World Tree

Join me and Gary Caton, in this six-week intensive where we provide three pathways for spiritual development through the Birth Chart and Universal Symbology of the World Tree.  The World Tree provides us, as it did our earth-based ancestors, profound wisdom teachings marrying the Earth-Sky Mysteries Within and Without.

I am thrilled to join Gary, producer of the acclaimed Hermetic Astrology podcast, in this course.  I have tremendous respect for his work and his depth of knowledge–and enjoy him also as a genuine and soulful human!  With my passion for marrying the mysteries of dreaming and Astrology with a special emphasis on Venus, I also love that Gary was initiated into Astrology via a “Great Dream” featuring Venus.

Why This Course? 

In 2003, just after the U.S. invasion of Iraq, I had what Jung referred to as a “Big Dream,” featuring the World Tree, giving me hope in a devastatingly dark time.  In the years following, I have obsessively explored its significance across cultures–most recently the World Tree so prominently featured in Mayan Cosmology as well as within the Mississippian Mound Building Culture of Cahokia, near my birth place south of St. Louis, Missouri. I have also heard multiple clients recount stunning dreams of a Great Tree, and Gary has his own story to tell.

As with all my Sky Apprentice Courses, this course will take place in a shared field of dreaming, where we act as dream archaeologists and explorers, dipping into the archetypal and living mystery of the planets and stars as well as the World Tree archetype.  We will also bring these mysteries down to Earth through ceremony and deepened conversation with the World Tree or Axis Mundi in the Night Sky as well as the trees and plants in our own lives and histories.

What to Expect from This Course?

We will co-create a field of collective dreaming with the World Tree as a symbol of Age Change as well as the ultimate Guide on fruitful navigation of the Triple Worlds of Spirit, Matter, and Soul.

What You Will Receive

  • Three Live 90-minute Zoom Courses with Myself and Gary Caton
  • Guided Meditations and Embodied Practices to Deepen Your Experiences
  • Preparatory Video to Initiate Your Active Dreaming Practice
  • Three Live Zoom Video Circle for World Tree Active Dream Sharing
  • Optional: Secret Facebook Group
  • Optional Matchup with World Tree Dreaming Buddy

In This Course You Will:

  • Explore the World Tree Across the Historic Geography of World Cultures
  • Be part of a groundbreaking team of dream archaeologists and time travelers unearthing the ancient wisdom and receiving  emergent insight gained from the Archetypal World Tree
  • Receive guidance specific to your birth chart, on three specific pathways of spiritual awakening as informed by the World Tree in the Birth Chart
  • Receive Practices and insights to Support you in a Soul to Soul conversation with your Tree allies
  • Learn of practical and innovative opportunities to support Trees and Forests
  • Gain the Tools and Intensive Practice of Active Dreaming in a Dreaming Community
  • Be immersed in the Daily Cycles of Earth and Sky
  • Engage in a Community of Active Dreamers Playing in the Magical Field of Kairos time, Synchronicity and Signs and Night and Day Shamanic Dreaming

Cost for Course: $333

Can be paid in 3-payments of $118

Diving Deeper Option
Receive Personal World Tree Birth Chart Reading from Gary or I