(I’m)possible Headlines Project

girl and globe“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” — Albert Einstein

One Month Intensive
March 2-23 4-5:30 pm PST
Weekly Classes Thursday 5-6:30 pm

  • Do you believe in miracles and your ability to invoke them?
  • Do you want to practice radical self-care while engaging as a love worker in the world?
  • Do you see the connection between the pain and suffering inside you and in the world around you?
  • Do you see the connection between the peace and joy inside you and in the world around you
  • Do you want to play a different game than the polarized, sensationalized, “us vs. them” game?
  • Would you like a process where you can feel safe engaging inner/outer issues in a holistic, integrative way?
  • Would you like to take a month to focus deeply on one issue that feels important to you so that you can take empowered, knowledgeable, constructive action?

Tools I provide for you

  • Four 90-minute videoconferencing calls
  • Private FB Group
    Deepening Exercises to empower you to fully the process
  • Connection with Miracle Maker partner if you wish

I suggest live participation in calls when possible but it is not necessary. I will send a recording of the call within 24 hours of the live call.

How It Works

Each of us chooses a situation or issue we feel very passionately about to dedicate the month to. We approach this issue in a holistic way, educating ourselves on its roots and branches, and then seeing where the issue mirrors our own personal journey.

Some may choose an INNER topic (something that feels impossible to resolve) and dedicate your time and focus to this, while opening to the ways this inner issue mirrors issues in the outer world.

We engage with the tools of astrology, dreaming, and focused meditation and prayer. We do not shy away from the darkest, most grief filled places that this issue contains–within ourselves and in the outer world. We also do not shy away from our own personal power to bring light, healing, and alignment into the world.

We Do Not Play Small.


We commit 10-20 minutes every day and 10 percent of our income (optional) toward this issue we care about and/or if it is an inner issue, then time and resources are focused toward addressing this issue in our personal lives.

What We Create Together

  • By completion of the 1-month intensive, each of us creates two (inner and/or outer) “(I’m)possible Headlines and full length stories/articles with all the details.
  • OR we write a poem, a song, or create a work of art–visual, dance, theatrical–with a title that enacts the reality of the healed situation inside/outside.
  • The outcome will also be to gather resources and knowledge that empower us to take action to bring this Fantastic Headline into manifestation. When our group is complete we will have collectively cultivated deeper healing, awareness and engagement with issues and so we will enrich each other with what we have created together.
  • You will be the pioneering group bringing this vision into the world! I intend to host monthly (I’m)possible headlines intensives, but this one is very special because you will be helping me shape and refine it. This is also why my tuition is quite low during this initial month.

    Special Tuition for First Month

    For this month only I am offering this special rate, because I want anyone and everyone to have the opportunity to join me in this initial intensive.
    $55 Sliding Scale
    $85 Full Tuition

    (I’m)possible Headlines

    The Vision Behind the Project

    In the summer of 2014 I received a vision where an indigenous Grandmother encouraged me to cultivate a daily visualization practice of looking into a bowl of water and seeing “Impossible News Headlines” on topics near and dear to my heart. Fast and bold I saw them flash: “Israel and Palestine Reach Peace Agreement,” “World’s Oceans Biodiversity Increases by 20%,” U.S. leads globe in reduction of Carbon Emissions,” and many others.

    We live in a time of danger and miracles. I believe it is time for us to remember our Divine Nature, and hone our minds and focus so that we actively envision what is possible around us and make it so. Mother Earth and the next seven generations need us to accelerate the process of cultural healing and transformation so ours is a future worth living.

    In our personal lives and in the public sphere I think it is useful to ask–what breaks my heart–what feels impossible for me to change? Let ourselves feel the pain of the gap between what is and what we desire. Then from that deep presence with what is, allow another possibility to present itself. This will be our game.

    In-Depth Format for (I’m)possible Headlines Process

    Our Collective Intention

    • We Become Masterful Visionaries of the World We Wish to Create and Embody
    • We Educate Ourselves on Major World Issues & See Clearly with Compassion and Courage
    • We Connect Inner Trauma to Outer Trauma and Bring Healing to Both First Through Accepting and Willingness to Feel
    • We Become Adept at Finding Proof that “Impossible” is “Inevitable”—in our lives and world
    • We Practice Taking Inspired Action to accelerate the change we wish to see inside and outside

    Dancing With the Shadow: Connecting Inner & Outer

    • What “Impossible” Issue in the World or Your Life Is Absorbing your Attention Now? Give it a Title.
    • Take This Month to Look Deeply into the Issue —from many angles.
    • Ask—What Inner Issue does this Outer Issue Relate to? (or Vice Versa). Now spend time exploring this issue, as above

    Making a Map of Possibility: Seeking Proof the Impossible Can Become Possible

    • Inner: Look for Proof in your life that you can and have resolved this kind of “impossible” issue before and can do it again.
    • Outer: Look for Proof through articles, organizations, TED Talks, literal news headlines, that the issue can be resolved.
    • Create a Headline That Declares this Positive Reality to be So
    • Explore With 5 Senses how it looks and feels for this matter to be healed. Get specific, see it, feel it, taste it, touch it.
    • Now write the full length feature article, OR paint it, make a collage with online images, make a poem, dance it, sing it!

    Take Inspired Action to Make it So!

    • Outer: Commit to 1-3 Actions that Energize you and Strengthen the Likelihood of the “Impossible” Becoming Inevitable (donate, volunteer, pray, etc.)
    • Inner: Commit to 1-3 Actions that Transform Your Personal “Impossible Headline” into your Inevitable Headline
    • Celebrate Your Inner and Outer Transformations by posting your Inevitable Headlines (and art, or poetry, etc.) Somewhere you can see and feed them on a regular basis with your attention.